Loony Wise Men vs La Roux
Bulletproof dude
La Roux vs Michael Jackson
The Killers vs La Roux
Smile like you're bulletproof
Bulletproof dude

La Roux vs Michael Jackson

The Killers vs La Roux
Smile like you're bulletproof

For you english readers : La Roux ("lah roo") is pronunced exactly like "la roue" (the wheel, in french). On the cover, it's Michelin's Tweel... "the wheel, reinvented".
TRIVIA : did you know that "La Roux" is grammatically incorrect ? Since Elly is a girl, she should have called herself "La Rousse" ("roux" is masculine). Except it's already the name of a famous french dictionary :)
Le Roux, then ? nope, it's a french chicory brand. Definitely not cool.
Androgyny rules !
4 commentaires:
La Roux is not the name of the lady (Elly Jackson) but the duo formed by her and Ben Langmaid
Yep, I learned that the other day, but she's obviously the red-haired tip of the iceberg for everyone :)
how can i download your songs?
@anonymous : in each post, the red text next to the miniplayer is the link to download the mp3.
I added a "download" label next to the red text to make it more obvious.
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